Vetrap Mummification

My boyfriend very generously mummified me in Vetrap last night.

It’s like a self-adherent bandage material meant for holding dressings onto horses, but it makes for a very effective bondage material :) You can buy it on ebay for not much money, and it comes it lots of different colours…

Pics in the gallery…


Oh My…

I’ve discovered Jeremy Lory via Fleshbot. Go and look at him posing in lycra wrestling gear and playing with ice cubes on YouTube, and then watch him make boy custard on PornoTube.



I’m in Edinburgh next week, so if anyone fancies a beer or perhaps some play then drop me a mail :)

Oh, and if anyone knows where to get poppers whilst I’m up there… (I don’t like taking amyl on aircraft!).


For my next birthday, please may I have a cake from these people similar to this? (Obviously, with my name on and not "Don").


Long term butt plugs

Don’t suppose any of my avid readers know where I can get hold of butt plugs like these?


They’re like a metal plug attached to a metal base with a rubber coupling – supposedly perfect for long term wear – and called "bullett butt plugs".

I’ve found them from a place in the US, but it would be nicer if I could get them in the UK or the EU.

If you were this pretty, who wouldn’t keep on touching themselves?

Replica Man Parts

It has finally been done, I’ve made a silicone copy of my cock. Following my secret recipe, it’s turned out perfect. We’re getting quite good at this, perhaps we should start a business :)


Hard On

Last night we went out to Hard On for its first outing at its new venue, Hidden.

First impressions were good – lots of powerful air conditioning, lots of bars, some nice chillout areas with comfy seats. Better still was the outside "terrace" complete with some little Thai ladies making Thai food and serving tea & coffee – given this was the first fetish event at Hidden, I dread to think what they made of hundreds of rubber-clad perverts (including several fucking outside if front of the snack bar!).

Sadly, I feel that Hard On is still let down by two things: the new play space is potentially huge, but still only comprises a few slings and fisting stools. You can fist anywhere there’s a fist, an arse and a tub of Crisco – why not use the space to setup a playroom with kit that people don’t normally have access to? A St. Andrew’s cross, vac racks, some electro, bondage wheel?

Secondly, it’s the perennial problem of young perverts – fetish clubs are mainly composed of naked, hairy old men with their cocks hanging out. My main problem with gay men is that they seem to think a manky old jock is sufficient – I tried hard with some very nice rubber jeans and pewter rubber top. In my mind, wearing only a pair of old man pants does not a fetish outfit make. Girls make much more of an effort and look fabulous as a result. Come on boys, please try harder :)

Nike Sexy

As you know, I’m into lycra a lot. With my recent conversion to the church of abs I have a heightened sense of interest in lycra sporting apparel.

I’m therefore very please to find the ultra sexy Nike+ seamless t:


I am less pleased to discover it’s £55. If it was (say) £20, I would’ve made an impulse purchase then and there. As it is, I suspect I’ll have to save it up as a treat for when I’m all lovely and toned (a fair while away then…).

Gym Bunny

Well, I’ve just started back at the gym. A very sweet guy did an hour’s personal training with me and wrote up a "personal program" for me that involves lots of weights and cardio.

Let the buffing begin :)

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